Body and Soul

Geographically speaking, 2020 is an epic mess, and it’s not over yet. A killer virus has us by the throat. Cataclysmic fires continue to devastate the west coast. And storms and earthquakes are shaking us up. Beyond U.S shores are more quakes, fires and floods, a locust infestation, a fatal volcanic eruption, and COVID-19 on every continent but Antarctica. Sounds like the plagues at a Passover Seder. But that mayhem is our here and now, so I was plagued by questions that were dead serious: - Would my family and friends survive the pandemic? - Would New York City revive? - Would

How’s your workspace treating you? Mine was not a welcoming place. Granted, some of the problem was inside me but so was poor ergonomics.  The me issue was a twist in my spine, which as a kid didn’t bother me at all. Later in life, however, the worsening bend compressed lumbar nerves…sending flames down my leg…making it hellish to walk and sit.  So, two years before the pandemic, I decided to flatten my curve — meaning a scoliosis surgeon straightened out my vertebrae with long metal rods and sixteen screws. How am I now? I’m Franken-fine. My back is scary stiff, but I can work